Taking brand collaborations to the next level

How Eric Hinman created his social storefront empire with Trnd

Eric Hinman: Creator, 5x Iron Man, athlete, entrepreneur. 39% store clicks with intent to purchase. 3.66% highest conversion.
I wanted to increase awareness for the brands and drive sales, while really connecting with my audience during their shopping experience.
That’s when I discovered Trnd, a total game-changer.

With Trnd I’ve curated my own online, social storefront. I work with over 20 brands and now I can control the shopping experience all in one link.”

– Eric Hinman
When I’m promoting my Flux Trainers, I add my Trnd drop link to my content and my audience can buy immediately from me – But, Flux still manages dispatch and fulfillment.

I get more sales, Flux gets more sales and my followers get the best experience.”

– Eric Hinman

An authentic experience

Eric uses every product in his store as part of his fitness journey. Shopping on Trnd, is shopping with Eric.

You see the products he uses alongside his results. Customers are inspired by Eric’s athletic achievements, not just faceless product descriptions.

It’s not just a selection of items. It’s a collection of handpicked products he loves.

Collage of Eric Hinman and the various products that he promotes.

Inspiring action

When followers click on Eric’s Trnd link, they’re not forced through 20 clicks in an unfamiliar website. They stay engaged with Eric’s content and never leave social media. They go straight to the product surrounded by Eric’s photos and personal recommendations.

It keeps dopamine high and makes  followers much more likely to buy.
It’s a different experience.
It’s a better experience.

See Eric's Trnd store
Interface of Eric Hinman's Trend store and drop

Social shopping. The right way.

Eric’s followers get all of Eric’s recommendations in one curated storefront and they can buy in one click.

Brands get continued awareness and sales conversions beyond a single post.

Eric gets a long-term brand-partnership strategy, striking the perfect balance between authentic influence and driving sales.

Seeing results. In real time.

Trnd gives Eric the business stats he needs to run his creator empire. Eric instantly sees —

Monthly commission earned
Creator Insights page of the Trend interface
Weekly payouts
Top performing drops
Audience drop engagement rate
Top commission by brand

Getting paid.
Knowing your worth.

Creators (and brands) no longer have to worry about lengthy back and forths for payment. Trnd handles commission payouts directly, weekly.

Infographic showing the process of being paid for commissions for influencer sales. Before and after Trnd. Before Trnd, it takes 90 days to be paid. With Trnd, creator are paid weekly.

The Results

One storefront:




curated product drops!


store clicks with intent to purchase

Eric Hinman’s curated MM1 store on Trnd offers an unparalleled shopping experience. His trusted recommendations and product stacks connect customers with products that match their active lifestyles.”
– MM1


highest conversion

Trnd logo

Make shopping truly social.
Create an experience.
Inspire action.