Your own social storefront

The best platform for influencer partnerships

Get on Trnd
Unlock top-tier brand deals and ambassador programs 
Forget messy affiliate links. Create your own storefront with curated collections on the top platform for influencers. Your followers shop your recommended products in one click, while staying connected to your content. Partner with exciting brands through exclusive ambassador programs, get real-time insights into your sales, and know exactly what you'll get paid. That's the Trnd difference.

Creator storefronts. Made for social.

Discover new brands to partner with. See their promo offers and redeem gifts right in the app.

Discover feature on Trnd: A list of brands that are available for partnership, and another list of brands that the user has applied to for partnership, with tags to indicate that they've been approved or are pending

Partnership and ambassador program opportunities

Create collections with multiple brands, curating your recommended products. No inventory, no distribution or returns to worry about.

Trnd interface, showing products made available by different brands for creators to promote

Personalized influencer storefronts

Add your own customized social storefront to every channel. One link. All your brands. Your experience and your recommendations.

Trnd interface, shoing the social store and the drop

One-click checkout for followers

Create an incredible shopping experience for your audience right in the flow of scroll, without leaving your content

Trnd interface, showing the social media link, the drop and the checkout experience

Real-time partnership performance data

See your stats around sales, best-performing products and strategize to grow your income

Trnd interface, showing insights on top brands, orders, and social media engagement

Direct-to-bank payout

Get paid directly to your bank account. No hassle. No follow up with brands. See your commission in real-time.

Trnd interface, showing commission details

The Trnd difference

Before Trnd

10+ clicks to buy.

Losing frustrated customers as they take multiple steps through messy link trees and apply codes for each checkout item.

Disconnected experience.

Diminishing impact of creator influence as customers leave their social channel to complete transaction.

Hours to track ROI.

Slow access to sales data, difficult to track codes and links, and no single place to see social and sales data.

A cellphone showing a creator's long list of affiliate links in a disorganized fashion, resembling a coupon book.
After Trnd

One-click social shopping.

While scrolling. Going from 10 frustrating clicks with referral links to 1 click with Trnd. Drives conversions & ROI.

Emotional connection.

Curated creator cart. Their story. Personal recommendation. Inspires action.


Performance insights. Social & conversion analytics. Automated Gifting. Commissions. Creator discovery.

Trnd interface showing a curater Creator store and a drop

The Trnd difference

Before Trnd

Messy affiliate links.

Followers' experience with multiple links and discount codes is frustrating, leading to lost sales and reduced commissions.

90+ day payouts.

Not knowing the sales you've influenced and commission you deserve, chasing payouts for weeks is a common experience.

Poor experience.

Leaving your channel in order to purchase something dilutes the trust you've built and takes audience away from your content.

After Trnd

Finally, your own social store.

Your curated collection. Your story with personal recommendations. Build trust with your audience while building value for your brand partnerships.

Knowing your commission.

Know exactly what you’ve sold and your commission. Use your sales insights to grow your income.

Don’t lose your audience.

One click on the link and your store appears. Use the same link to your storefront, across all your channels.


Don’t just take our word for it

the game

No more

  • 90 day payout wait
  • Discount codes
  • Messy affiliate links
  • Wondering how many orders were placed, when and by who
  • Guessing how much you’ve made
  • Underestimating your worth
  • 90 day payout wait
  • Discount codes
  • Messy affiliate links
  • Wondering how many orders were placed, when and by who
  • Guessing how much you’ve made
  • Underestimating your worth

Turn your influence into income.
Launch your custom storefront.
Build lasting brand partnerships.

Get on Trnd